Enrichment Opportunities



Music tends to be a universal language that almost all can communicate through. Whether it is singing along to songs, moving your body to the beat, learning and playing and instrument, or just enjoying some music in the background, we all connect to music. Music of any kind conveys some sort of emotion. With young children who don’t have well-developed vocabularies, music allows for another way to express themselves. And, as they grow and develop, they learn how to sing and play music to achieve the emotional impact they want and also become aware of the variety and intricacies of emotion. Accordingly, music helps develop children’s emotional intelligence while helping to build confidence.

In addition, music helps to develop fine motor skills and coordination. Language development is aided by singing and embracing new melodies that adversely thickens the web of circuits vital to sound processing and comprehension. Lastly, music can improve focus and memory by utilizing repetition and reinforcing memory.

Secondary Language

In our ever increasing beautifully diverse world, the ability to know and understand more than one language is more important than ever. Perhaps the greatest benefit parents can witness in children learning a second language involves foundational cognitive development. By children becoming bilingual, it serves as a means to sharpen young minds. Essentially, it helps children form a basis for processing more complex tasks and learning processes throughout the rest of their life. Bilingualism builds a solid foundation of cognitive development when introduced during early childhood education. For younger non-verbal students we integrate secondary language through teaching Sign Language. Students will learn how the physically sign basic words to help communicate their needs.

Some of the other benefits are increased problem-solving skills and creativity, developing an interest in and curiosity about different cultures and ideas when they have a foundation in other languages, making them more comfortable growing up in our increasingly global society, where languages and cultures intersect every day. Through learning a secondary language, a student become less self-conscious and is willing to put themselves out there utilizing their newly acquired language skills without fear of embarrassment. In addition, students at a young age are better at mimicking sounds. Students grow their cognitive and analytical abilities with repetition and consistency, increasing their ability to focus and improve social and cultural relations.


Movement/Physical Education

There are many aspects of life that require us as humans to be sedentary in our actions, such as riding in the car, reading, watching tv, eating, working, learning, sitting at the computer, etc. Children are increasingly becoming victims to the sedentary nature of life as well. It is crucial that as educators, we engage children in fun exercises, teach them games, and provide experiences for them to develop confidence and sportsmanship.

Physical activity has a direct positive impact on gross and fine motor skill development, but it can also reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen relationships among peers, enhance self-esteem, and promote cmaraderie.

Physical education (PE) teaches students the value of fitness. It helps establish healthy habits for an active lifestyle while helping them practice moving their bodies and navigating the space around them in new and exciting ways. Through running, hopping, galloping, skipping, and leaping at different speeds and in different directions students are pushing their ability while gaining control of their bodies.

In addition to the physical impact, through incorporating physical education into children’s lives, they experience academic success and social-emotional development. Learning simple concepts such as to take turns, accept defeat, celebrate victory, and support a teammate all contribute to building confidence, humility, perseverance, and sportsmanship.

Opt-In Programs

It is important to provide opportunities for children to explore and try new things. By offering a multitude of different opt-in programs for our students, we give parents the ability to add some extra fun and discovery into their child’s day. By providing enrichment experiences in the early years not only make a difference, but are actually considered critical because the brain is developing so rapidly. Enrolling children in enriching classes promote healthy child development through social, physical, emotional and cognitive growth experiences. Please be sure to ask about what current Opt-In programs we have available.


Contact our kindergarten school at (732) 297-8400 in Kendall Park, NJ, to prepare your child for a bright future. We are a child care provider that introduces kids to the fun world of learning.

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